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Scottish Island Radio


Music and and talk radio with a distinctive flavour of the Scottish Islands.

Scottish Island Radio broadcasts across the internet from off the west coast of Scotland.


Sunday 9:00am BST – 11:00am BST Live test playing a range of music styles.

Scottish Island Radio


Music and and talk radio with a distinctive celtic flavour of the Scottish Islands.

Scottish Island Radio broadcasts across the internet from off the west coast of Scotland.

Sunday 9:00am BST – 11:00am BST Live test playing a range of music styles.

A new Scottish radio station broadcasting from off  the West Coast of Scotland


Scottish Island Radio will be broadcasting a wide range of music styles twenty four hours a day but with a focus on drawing attention to the Scottish Islands and the celtic tradition across the globe.

Scotland is an island archipelago on the western fringes of Europe with our nearest coastal neighbours being Ireland and Norway.

Over 900 islands with approximately one hundred of them currently inhabited.  We are a very special cluster of communities.

Bookmark Scottish Island Radio to find out much more about Scotland, our islands and not forgetting our mainland communities too.

Listen Scottish Island Radio on your commute.

The morning commute.

Wide range of music styles.

Scotland Internet radio. Listen to Scottish Island Radio on your way home.

Broad range of popular music.
Listen on your evening commute.

Late night interent radio from Scotland.  Listen to Scottish Island Radio

Focus on Scottish, Celtic and folk tunes including new songs added to Scottish Island Radio.

The Wee Hours Show Scottish Island Radio

Slower gentler traditional music.  Ideal for bedtime.  Listen to fall asleep.

Moonlight Hours Show Scottish Island Radio

A mixture of soul and jazz.

Moonlight Hours Show Scottish Island Radio

Join Mary Branley and Bob McPherson celebrating Scottish & Irish Music. Repeated nightly  02:00am GMT.

Scottish Island Radio has licensing arrangements in place to broadcast music throughout Scotland, the rest of the UK, all of the USA and Canada.


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